Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Twilight: the next fantasy/supernatural creatures/teenage angst sensation

So I finally finished “Eclipse”, the third installment of the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer. Can I say how addicted I am? I haven’t read a book so engrossing, since…like…the last Harry Potter book! I think there are a few possibilities as to why I am so obsessed with the book series now.

(1) During most of my later highschool years, I was lucky if I could squeeze in ONE pleasure reading book per SEMESTER. When you’re running on 6 hours of sleep (on a really good day), you’re more likely to read nytimesonline.com or pick up a tabloid for ten or fifteen minutes rather than attempting to embark on a book when you could be...sleeping. You could consider my sudden surge of affection for the Twilight series to be a result of lesiure reading deprivation.

(2) It’s a very plotline-oriented book as opposed to a more reflective text like “Sophie’s World”. It helps that the characters are very distinct and have rather alluring personalities. AND, it doesn’t hurt that Meyer’s two male characters are described to be exceedingly attractive and are both supernatural creatures. And we know how the poor human girl always falls prey to the charms of supernatural beings...

(3) Meyers understands teenagers. She has secret mindreading abilities- thus she always knows what her readers wants. Lack of action? Throw in a chapter filled with vampire showdowns. Lack of romance? Throw in a ever-so-convenient love triangle. Her skill is the ability to manipulate the text so it has a intoxicating effect on the readers (who is more than often a teenager grown up on a diet of books about young wizard boys and thus a veteran to enthusiasm and passion towards fictional characters).

For those of you who don’t know the general plotline of the book, you can either watch the film which is coming out on Dec. 12th later this year. By then everyone will have known that the series is about a young very human girl falling in love with a hundred-year-old-ish vampire and getting dragged into a series of complications. It’s always the stuff in between that makes the read so interesting but that’s the summary of the series in less than fifty words.

Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson)

I am really excited for the film...secretly because want to see Robert Pattinson as the vampire Edward Cullen. Robert Pattinson? Your ears may perk up and you may scratch your head in confusion. For some reason that name sounds oddly familiar. Why is it so? He actually played golden boy Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter. Yes, indeed, that’s why that intense gaze and pouty lips seem so familiar. Oh yeah, and Jacob Black is played by an actor born in 1992. That makes me feel so old. ToT We have entered an age where the ‘child celebrities’ are born in the 90’s.

The teaser trailer can be found on Youtube:


Nancy said...

Thanks for the lovely comments. :)
Omg, I cannot wait for Twilight the movie to come out! Rob Pattinson is gorgeous. Damn Stephenie Meyer. She brings out the unsophisticated squealing 13 year old in me :(

Li said...

I really need to start reading for fun this summer! It's been my plan, but so many things (currently, the FEE) have been distracting me.

Thanks for your blog comments! I'd really like to see some of your art, sometime :-)

Btw, are we facebook friends? (I can't seem to remember who you are if we are already...)

laura said...

I have yet to read the book, but I will definitely pick it up when I have more time. I heard that it's not very well written, but so freaking addictive. I think I'll watch the movie, just for Robert Pattinson. What a cutie!