Sunday, June 29, 2008

of streetstyle, night scenery, and manga exhibits...

So I finally paid a visit to Hong Kong, the ‘Pearl of the East’. It is indeed a pearl. Excuse me for being trite but I totally fell in love with the city. The culture is so diverse, everything is so shiny and clean, and for a place with so many people everyone’s extremely polite and well-mannered. While in Mainland, you’ll see a mob of people attacking the buses when they come around, Hong Kong residents stand in orderly lines with no pushing or shoving. Everything is super fastpaced- I knew I should’ve expected it but it caught me a little off guard at first. The elevator doors close quickly on the person if they’re not careful- the escalators are twice as fast as in the States. Everyone’s walking ridiculously quickly and the subways are efficient and effortless in aiding one get to one place to the next.

The only annoying thing was that we were caught amidst the rainy season and succumbed to carrying around umbrellas everywhere. I did still get a good view of Hong Kong though and even rode a doubledecker!

More night shots...everyone's so stylish. ToT (Not that you can tell from these photos).

Even the bathroom stalls were cute!

And, luckily, I was lucky and got to see a manga exhibit.