Monday, May 19, 2008

starbucks on a rainy day

So, what better to do on a rainy Delawarean day when one has to finish a suite of projects three days before graduation? One over-priced, globally known, green-and-white mascot-branded word: Starbucks.

Now, I would’ve expected the rain to abate after two and a half hours at Starbucks. Unfortunately, it was not the case. It only got harder. Figures.

Starbucks is not the ideal working environment for me. For people who work well with the white noise in the background- the perpetual hum of the frapucchino machine, the eclectic mix of music (I swear I heard celtic pop for a period of time) and the alternative teenboppers who come in with their checkered Vans and think they’re so rad, Starbucks is the place to be. I think that when I am in a super stressed out mood, the library or recluse of my lair (aka dorm room) is more labor-inducing. However, Starbucks is a great place to work when one does not want to be in the library or room. Or if one simply needs to run about and go off campus.

In my case, it was the latter. I was a bit miffed to find that my Starbucks charged for Wireless. WHAT?! Are you insane? Most people who come to work at cafes are broke high school/college students. You expect us to shell out extra for Wi-Fi? Psh.

Anyways, here’s me hard at work after a Tall Caramel Machiatto and a Tazo Berryblossum Tea.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

senior a myth

So, can I take a moment and say how much it sucks to being taking the APs your senior year? Yeah, the general consensus is "'s your senior spring...NOT!" Seriously, senior spring is a myth. Ah yes, that's right, all you underformers. It doesn't exist. Furthermore, who would really want to have worked really hard for four years of highschool and then let their grades plummet during their last semester of school? Puh-lease.

All I can say to those of you out there who are sharing a similiar fate- fighting! Keep it up. :D The scent of graduation is in the air...